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Ardmore Community Newsletter: January 2025

Ardmore Community Newsletter: January 2025

Dear Ardmore Families,

We hope you have enjoyed the transition back to school.  January is a special month because it marks the final month of the first semester.  At the end of this month we will be assessing students' academic progress and sharing Progress Reports with parents.  It is also the time of year when we start to see students apply newly learned skills.  We look forward to sharing their progress with you soon!

There are three Family Events planned in the coming weeks.  Please read about them below and we highly encourage you to come.  School is not just the place for students to learn but also the place where they build their community.  We truly value our students and families.

Have a wonderful day!


Tina Bogucharova-Principal

Yusra Obaid-Assistant Principal


Ardmore Community Handbook Ardmore-Community-Handbook-2024-2025.pdf


Save the Date

Important Dates sticky note

Jan 13th-PK and Kindergarten Open House @5-6pm

Jan 14th-MLL Coffee @ 8:15-9:15am

Jan 20th-No School.  MLK Day.

Jan 24th - Family Event:  Movie Night, PTSA Meeting @ 6-7:30pm

Jan 30th- Care-A-Van Vaccine Clinic at Ardmore @2:30-6:30

Feb 7th-Family Connections Center Event: Parent Principal Connect @8:15-9:15

Feb 7th - Family Event:  Winter Festival @6-7:30pm

Feb 17th-21st-No School. Mid-Winter Break.

Please follow our Calendar for future events


Multilingual Learner Coffee Parent Event


Is your child in the MLL program? Please join us for our second gathering. There will be coffee, breakfast treats, and a short presentation on how we use students’ assets to develop academic skills through ‘Can Dos’. You will get to create a ‘Can Do’ for yourself and your child. So please join us to continue our collaboration.

When:  Tuesday, January 14th, 8:15-9:15 am

Where: Ardmore room 105



Preschool and Kindergarten Open House

Ardmore Open House Event

If you or someone you know has an incoming Preschool or Kindergarten student please join us for our Open House.

Parents and guardians are welcome to tour the school, visit the classrooms, meet the teachers, and learn about Ardmore from the Principals.

We hope to see lots of new families there!



Family Event:  "Encanto" Movie Night and PTSA Meeting

Movie Night

Please join us for Movie Night on Friday, January 24th, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM!  The purpose of the Movie Night is for parents and guardians to get together and learn about different ways to partner with PTSA.  Students will be able to enjoy a movie together!

We will show Disney's "Encanto" and provide Pizza and Popcorn.

We would like to invite the parents to join us for a PTSA meeting to look at our programs and current budget.  We would love to hear your ideas of how we can partner to support the students.



Family Event:  Winter Festival

Winter Festival

We are excited to host our Winter PTSA-sponsored event on February 7th, from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. The theme for this is "Light." We invite families to host sponsor a table to showcase the significance of light in different cultures, fostering cross-cultural connections within our community.

If you are available and interested in participating, please fill out this Microsoft Forms. We would appreciate you volunteering because we aim to represent the diversity of our community fully. The event will include a potluck and a student fashion show on stage. We look forward to your participation!


Spotlight on Bilingual Education

Hindi Bilingual Instruction

In Our Hindi Bilingual Program students are learning and practicing routines every day in Hindi and in English.  Every morning during morning circle students get a chance to talk about what they will be engaging with today and get a change to and what they do every morning before they get to school. Establishing routines in kindergarten is crucial in these early years and student are getting an opportunity to learn in two languages how to communicate this is a special opportunity.

Open Enrollment will open Dec 9th- Jan 17th.  Please feel free to share our program information with any interested families. If your child is currently enrolled in our Hindi or Arabic program you don’t need to reapply. If you are currently enrolled and live outside of the district boundaries, student placement will send an email out to you in Jan requesting a 25-26 choice Transfer Application but you don’t need to reapply.

Spotlight on Instruction

Bulletin Board

Our 5th-grade classes have been researching and learning about ecosystem dynamics as part of their new ARC literacy curriculum. During this unit, students had the opportunity to select an ecosystem they were curious about and study it in depth through research. At the end of the unit, students wrote a piece to communicate what they learned about this ecosystem and the threats it faces. They also completed an additional project by creating a physical model of their ecosystem to represent and showcase their learning in multiple ways. Way to go, 5th grade!


Safety Drills

School Safety Drills.

 Washington state law and Bellevue School District policy require all schools to hold at least one drill per calendar month while school is in session. This month, we will be conducting a lockdown drill and practicing actions to help keep us safe in the event of a threat or intruder.

Please note that a lockdown is considered a preventative measure and is not the same as an Active Threat.

During a lockdown drill, students learn about the importance of listening to school staff and following instructions quickly and quietly.

Lockdown is initiated when there is a threat to the campus or school. All threats are taken seriously. In the interest of student safety, lockdown may be initiated while the nature of the threat is evaluated. Staff are trained to lock classroom doors, shut off the lights, close the blinds, and to continually assess the situation.

Please talk with your student about preparing for emergencies and disasters. Encourage them to talk about their concerns and express their feelings. Emphasize that even though sometimes things happen that we may not expect, there are lots of things we can do to help us stay safe.

For more information on talking to your child about school safety, you might want to visit the website

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Open Houses and Open Transfer, Choice Schools and Language Programs Application Period

BSD logo

Open House Dates, 2025-2026 Open Transfer, Choice Schools and Language Programs Application Window

The Open Transfer, Choice School and Choice Program Application period for the 2024-2025 school year will close on Friday, January 17, 2025. Students and families are invited to learn more about Bellevue School District schools and programs during the final week of school open houses. The following open houses will take place over the next weeks.

· January 13, 2025 – Ardmore Elementary School Open House, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

· January 13, 2025 – Tillicum Middle School Open House, 5:45 – 8:00 p.m.

· January 13, 2025 – Bellevue Digital Discovery Open House, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

· January 14, 2025 – Enatai Elementary School Open House, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

· January 14, 2025 – Newport High School Open House, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

· January 14, 2025 – International School Open House, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

· January 15, 2025 – Medina Elementary School Open House, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

· January 15, 2025 – Sammamish High School Open House, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

· January 16, 2025 – Bellevue High School Open House, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

For all open house and information session dates, times and locations please view the Open Houses webpage

Student Health:  Vaccine Clinic


vaccine clinic

Few Important health and wellness notes from your School Nurse:

1. We are entering the mid winter and the respiratory viruses, RSV, FLU/Influenza, COVID are still around and another stomach virus called NOROvirus is added which can present with nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

2. To fight, we need to focus on our children's nutrition ( fresh fruits and vegetables with abundant natural protein, Fish, meat, beans, legumes etc), water. Please minimize processed food and sugar intake as much as possible.

3. Hand washing is one of the best ways to manage these viruses. Let's do this often!

4. Activities and sleep- These are critical to build a healthy body. Please get your child to do activities indoors or outdoors instead of watching TV/ Phone. Also please put them to bed so they get 10-12 hours of sleep.

5. Doctors visit- Please make sure your child gets an annual physical check with the Provider/ Doctor at least once a year to understand their wellness, growth and development. 6. Immunization- We will talk more about immunizations in this section. Ardmore Elementary school is at 66% on immunization. Nurse Prabina is working closely with the parents.

Car-A Van is coming!

There is a free vaccine clinic coming to Ardmore on 1/30/2025 from 230 PM - 6 PM.


Covid Vaccines are NO COST to patients who are uninsured and underinsured.  


Flu Vaccines are NO COST to patients that are uninsured. 


Childhood Vaccines, including Covid and Flu are NO COST for 6mo through 18yrs to patients who are uninsured. This includes up to the day before the 19th birthday. 19+ are considered adults. 


Health Insurance information will be obtained for all insured patients. 


We are unable to vaccinate patients with Kaiser or TRICARE insurance because they are considered out of network, and we cannot bill them.  

Please contact Nurse Prabina if you have any questions.

Money Management Workshops

Money Workshop

Free Money Management Workshops at the Bellevue Family Hub

Community partners Bellevue LifeSpring and Hopelink will hold upcoming family workshops on the topic of money management basics. The sessions will provide tips and tools to help families manage their budget, understand banking essentials, and improve financial credit. Childcare and snacks provided and virtual sessions available. Learn more at Bellevue Family Hub locations at Stevenson Elementary School or Highland Middle School or visit the Bellevue LIfeSpring website for additional event details.

Session in Spanish

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Session in English

Thursday, January 30, 2025

5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

The location for both sessions is Stevenson Elementary School (14220 NE 8th Street, Bellevue, WA 98007).


Donate to the Ardmore PTSA

PTSA leaders

We need your help!

Please consider donating to the Ardmore PTSA to help us fund fieldtrips, assemblies, educational workshops, and family events.

We appreciate your support and partnership!



  • Ardmore Elementary School
  • Family Engagement
  • Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
  • Principal