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Ardmore Community Newsletter: December 2024

Ardmore Community Newsletter: December 2024

Dear Ardmore Families,

We can't believe that we are already in December. This year is going by too quickly! 

We know the past couple of weeks have difficult with the storm and the different ways it's impacted our community. We are looking forward to be in community with you all this evening for our PTSA Fall Festival and hope your able to make it. We are sure there will be great student performances. We plan to hold Future seasonal family event if you're not able to make it to this one.

We wanted to take a few minutes to share a few upcoming updates before we had in to winter break. Our newsletter will include quick updates as we get closer to winter beak


Tina Bogucharova-Principal

Yusra Obaid-Assistant Principal


Ardmore Community Handbook Ardmore-Community-Handbook-2024-2025.pdf


Save the Date

Important Dates sticky note

12/6:  6pm-7:30pm Ardmore Family Event:  Fall Festival

12/10:  8:15am-9:15am MLL Coffee

12/11:  7:30pm PTSA Monthly Board Meeting

12/23-1/3:  Winter Break! 

Please follow our Calendar for future events


Multilingual Learner Coffee Parent Event


Is your child in the MLL program? Please join us for our second gathering. There will be coffee, breakfast treats, and a short presentation on how we use students’ assets to develop academic skills through ‘Can Dos’. You will get to create a ‘Can Do’ for yourself and your child. So please join us to continue our collaboration.

When:  Tuesday, December 10th, 8:15-9:15 am

Where: Ardmore room 105



After School Clubs Sign Up:  Winter Session


The Winter Session Club sign ups are now open!  

The session runs from the week of January 6th-February 10th

We will be following a different process this time for our after-school sign-up. We will have an open sign-up window from Dec 6th to Dec 17th. After this time frame, we will close registration and implement a lottery system.

When we select students through the lottery, we will prioritize those who haven't had the opportunity to participate yet. We hope this approach will help support families whose clubs fill quickly before they have a chance to sign up. You will be notified if your child got accepted by dec 20th.

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Jubilee Chess Club @ 105  2:35-4:15 2:35-4:15   2:35-4:15  
First Session 1/6; Last Session 2/13          
Ms. Bryanna          
Grades:  3-5              
*Activity Bus 4:15          
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Dabke Dance Club @ Gym      12:30-1:20    
Ms. Muntaha, Ms. Lizbeth, Ms. Andrea          
First Session 1/8; last session 2/12 (6 sessions)          
Grades:  All          
Dabke Dance Club Sign Up (Winter Session)          
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Arts and Craft Club @ Art room   2:35-4:15      
Ms. Andrea and Mr. Omar          
First Session 1/7; last session 2/11 (6 sessions)          
Grades:  3-5          
Arts and Craft Club Sign Up (Winter Session)          
*Activity Bus 4:15          
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
STEM Club @ 108       2:45-4:15  
Ms. Dengel          
1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13          
Grades: 3rd-5th          
STEM Club Sign Up (Winter Session)          
*Activity Bus 4:15          
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
IGNITE    2:45-3:45      
Ms. Gaines and Ms. Anderson          
TBD Throughout the year          
Grades:  3.  AL-preservice identification, by invitation only.          
*Activity Bus 4:15.  Bus riders can go to the Art room and wait with the ArtsCraft club bus riders.          
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Arabic Activity Club @ Library       2:35-4:15  
Ms. Heba & Ms. Lee          
First Session 1/9; last session 2/13 (6 sessions)          
Grade:  All          
Arabic Activity Club Sign Up (Winter Session)          
*Activity Bus 4:15          
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Basketball @ Gym       2:35-4:15  
Ms. Fiorillo and Mr. Johnson          
First Session 1/9; last session 2/13 (6 sessions)          
Grades:  3rd-5th          
Basketball Club Sign Up (Winter)          
*Activity Bus 4:15          



Family Event:  Fall Festival (New Date-Friday 12/6!)

fall festival flyer image

Join us for a multicultural celebration and potluck!

Our community will have the opportunity to come together and make connections while learning about each other's traditions.

Students will have the opportunity to showcase their hobbies and talents on the stage.  Signup link for a spot in the showcase is on the flyer.



Spotlight on Bilingual Education

Our Arabic Bilingual Program featured in the Seattle Times!

Arabic Instruction


We are so excited and proud to share that our Arabic Bilingual program was featured first page on the Seattle Times. We are so proud of our bilingual programs, our families and students. If you want to watch the video and read the article here is the link


Open Enrollment will open Dec 9th- Jan 17th.  Please feel free to share our program information with any interested families. If your child is currently enrolled in our Hindi or Arabic program you don’t need to reapply. If you are currently enrolled and live outside of the district boundaries, student placement will send an email out to you in Jan requesting a 25-26 choice Transfer Application but you don’t need to reapply.


Spotlight on Instruction

global goals

Our teachers have been integrating and making connections to the 17 global goals for sustainability as part of the new ARC reading thematic unit curriculum. Different grade levels have each chosen a global goal to focus on over the past couple of weeks to ensure that students have real-world connections to what they are learning and to provide opportunities for students to take action as global citizens.

In this newsletter, we wanted to showcase the work of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students.

1st grade has focused on Global Goal 15: Life on Land. As part of the ARC reading curriculum, students are learning about the different characteristics of animals and how these traits are important to each species. The students have decided to take action by learning about endangered animals and supporting the protection of these species, including adopting elephants as a way to help conserve them.

2nd grade has been learning about the life cycles of bugs and their importance to the ecosystem. Students are exploring how insects play a vital role in nature, and they are making connections to sustainability through their studies of these creatures.

3rd grade, their ARC unit is focused on weather. Students are researching and becoming experts on their chosen storms. They are learning about how these storms are caused and making connections to Global Goal 13: Climate Action. They are currently developing a computer program story to raise awareness in communities about how to stay safe during severe weather events.

We are so proud of the meaningful work our teachers and students are doing to encourage our students to be creators of their future world. We will be holding an event in January to showcase all this work. More details to come!

School Assemblies Schedule


We plan to have our Fall Student Assembly on Dec 19th. During this assembly, students will have the opportunity to learn about different cultures through various student performances. Students from our Dabke and Bollywood after-school programs, along with selected student performances from our Fall Festival, will be performing and sharing background knowledge about these forms of art and celebration."

If you, your child would like to participate in future assemblies please let us know, our next one will be Feb 14th.

Assembly programs are usually 25 minutes long and they will take place on the following days.

Winter Assembly Feb 14th

Spring Assembly April 1st 

Summer Assembly Jun 16th


Safety Drills

School Safety Drills.

Washington state law and Bellevue School District policy require all schools to hold at least one drill per calendar month while school is in session. This month, we will be conducting a shelter-in-place drill and practicing what to do in the event of a hazardous materials release near our school.

During a shelter-in-place drill, students sit quietly while staff simulate sealing the room to limit outside air exchange.

Shelter-in-place procedures would only be used if officials determine there is not enough time to safely evacuate people out of the danger zone.

Please talk with your student about preparing for emergencies and disasters. Encourage them to talk about their concerns and express their feelings. Emphasize that even though sometimes things happen that we may not expect, there are lots of things we can do to help us stay safe.

For more information on shelter-in-place, you might want to visit the Washington Department of Health website at or the Washington Emergency Management Division at

Please let us know if you have any questions.


Open Houses and Open Transfer, Choice Schools and Language Programs Application Period

BSD logo

The Open Transfer, Choice Schools and Language Programs application period for the 2025-2026 school year opens on Monday, December 9, 2024. Students and families are invited to learn more about Bellevue School District schools and programs during upcoming open houses and information events.

· Each school will host an open house during the Open Transfer and Choice School/Program application period.

· Upcoming Open House Dates for the next two weeks:

o December 10, 2024 – Lake Hills Open House, 8:15 – 9:15 a.m.

o December 10, 2024 – Cherry Crest Elementary Open House, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

o December 11, 2024 – Tyee Middle School Open House, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

o December 11, 2024 – Big Picture High School Open House, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

o December 12, 2024 – Big Picture Middle School Open House, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

o December 16, 2024 – Jing Mei Elementary Open House, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

o December 17, 2024 – Stevenson Elementary Open House, 8:15 - 9:15 a.m.

For all open house and information session dates, times and locations please view the Open Houses webpage


Attendance Tips

attendance matters


For kids (and adults!), returning to school or a regular schedule is hard following a break. Yet, there are some things that parents can do to help ease their child's transition. Before the first morning back (Monday January 6th), start planning for any triggers that might lead to a difficult return. Tips for sleep, travel, and emotional support are provided below.

SLEEP TIP: Sleep schedules often shift toward staying up and waking up later over breaks, which leads to problems getting to sleep at a reasonable time after break. Whenever possible, encourage your student to keep a consistent routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. If this isn't realistic, do your best to slowly move up bed and wake times until your child is sleeping and waking at the desired times for school.

TRAVEL TIP: If your family has been away, plan to have at least one day at home for your student(s) to relax and recoup before their first day back at school.

EMOTIONAL SUPPORT TIP: It is common for kids to feel anxiety about returning to school. Parents can help their student work through these feelings by 1) Actively listening and validating the child's feelings of unease, 2) Reminding the child that it is completely normal to feel uncomfortable during times of transition, and 3) Reinforcing that as their parent, you have full confidence in their ability to handle the transition back to school."


New Parent Partnership Program in Bellevue Digital Discovery

Digital Discovery Logo

We are excited to announce that we will be adding a new Parent Partnership Program component to our Bellevue Digital Discovery elementary to support elementary age students and families who engage in homebased learning. This new program component will serve students through an Alternative Learning Experience model which includes a personalized learning plan developed in partnership with the student, teacher and family. Students will engage in learning at home, online and in-person at our new Bellevue Discovery learning lab. Together with members of the community, Kristin Tinder and Tom Duenwald are leading the co-creation of this new program component of Bellevue Digital Discovery.

We invite interested families to learn more at our upcoming Bellevue Discovery Open House, January 13 at 6:00 p.m. online, or to contact us directly at  

Enrollment for the 25-26 school year for this Bellevue Discovery program begins Monday, December 9, and the link to enroll can be found on the Enroll at BSD webpage.

Thank you in advance for your support of this new program in BSD as we continue to diversify our learning options to meet student needs.


December 13 Vaccine Clinic at Sammamish High School

Albertsons Vaccine Clinic

We are excited to an upcoming Vaccine Clinic in partnership with Albertson’s to help keep our community healthy and safe! This event is open to all BSD students, staff, families and community members and will offer:

·         Flu Vaccine

·         COVID-19 Vaccine

·         Tdap Vaccine (protection against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis or whooping cough).

Event Details

Date: Friday, December 13, 2024

Time: 4:00-9:00 p.m.

Location: Sammamish High School, Commons Area

Address: 100 140th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA 98005

Sign up online.


Other Things to Know

Please register in advance so Albertsons can anticipate how many vaccines to provide. Walk-in appointments will be available for flu and COVID-19, but registration is required for DTap and Tdap vaccines.

Most insurances are accepted. Participants must bring their insurance card to the event. 

Getting vaccinated is a key step in protecting your family and our school community. Here’s why these vaccines are so important:

Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Did you know that Washington state has seen a significant rise in whooping cough cases this year, with over 1,533 reported statewide as of November 27, 2024? Babies and young children are especially at risk, and the best way to protect them is by staying up to date with the Tdap vaccine. Whooping cough can cause severe coughing fits and even life-threatening breathing issues, especially in infants.

The DTaP and Tdap vaccines protect against three diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. The “P” in DTAP and Tdap stands for pertussis. These vaccines help your body build defenses to fight off whooping cough and prevent its spread to others.

Students attending Bellevue School District should have received a total of 5 doses of DTaP by the age of 4 or before starting kindergarten. Students should receive a Tdap booster before the start of 7th grade. 

If you are not sure if your child is up to date on their required school vaccines, please contact your child’s medical provider or log into MyIR Mobile.

Flu and COVID-19

Flu and COVID-19 are more than just colds - they can cause serious illness, especially in children, older adults, and those with health conditions. The flu vaccine can reduce severe illness by 40-60%, while COVID-19 vaccines continue to lower the risk of serious symptoms.


Let’s work together to keep everyone healthy this winter!


Community Holiday Events


Battle of the Badges: Holiday Lights
Join the Bellevue Police Department and the Renton Police Department for the largest ever Battle of the Badges Holiday Lights display. Walk through rows of decorated public safety vehicles from across the region. Enjoy music, food, and holiday fun. This interactive experience will be held at Renton Technical College on Saturday, December 14, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Learn more on the City of Renton website.

Bellevue Downtown Ice Rink
Let’s skate! November 15 – January 12, Downtown Bellevue Park plays host to the annual ice rink. Free parking is available at two downtown parking lots. Online tickets are available on the Bellevue Ice Rink website. Tickets include skate rental. Enjoy free evening skating lessons compliments of Microsoft.


Real Madrid Foundation Soccer Summer Camp for BSD Students

real madrid soccer ball

This soccer summer camp is open to students between the ages of 6 and 17, of all playing levels from beginner to advanced. The camp will be hosted at Highland Middle School July 14-18, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (with an option to extend the time from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). 

The Real Madrid Foundation is offering thirteen scholarships, and there will be additional scholarships added if funding is available. To request a scholarship, please fill out this FORM before January 12, 2025. On January 24, you will receive an email if you have been granted the scholarship. Click here to register. 


Donate to the Ardmore PTSA

PTSA leaders

We need your help!

Please consider donating to the Ardmore PTSA to help us fund fieldtrips, assemblies, educational workshops, and family events.

We appreciate your support and partnership!



  • Ardmore Elementary School
  • Family Engagement
  • Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
  • Principal